

Webinar recording: Guest tours 2021 – Requirements for a new start

This week we were allowed to take care of the technical support of the webinar “Guest tours 2021 – Requirements for a new start” for the BVGD, the Federal Association of Tourist Guides in Germany. It was a very exciting event with top-class speakers. The recording is now online on the BVGD YouTube channel and […]

WFTGA | The virtual conference

In the last few days (and nights) we have been working intensively on the website of the first virtual conference of the WFTGA, the world association of us guest/tourist guides. It’s finally online and you can register: Register now, as there are only a limited number of 500 places and over 400 have already […]

Online congress for guided tours and cultural mediation

February 28, 2021 from 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm Due to Covid-19, we all had to focus more on video conferences and online seminars. Therefore, this congress would like to ask the question of how we can use the momentum of digitization to advance digitization around guided tours and cultural mediation even after the pandemic. […]

World day of the tourist guides – a few thoughts about it

Last Sunday, February 21st, was the World Day of Tourist Guides/Tourist Guides. We would like to use this occasion to publish a text by Linz Tourism Director Prof. Georg Steiner. He thinks very critically but future-oriented about our industry. We are currently working with him on a project on the subject of experiences based on […]

free WEBINAR: Into the new age for guided groups

“Change in the Tourism Industry. How can technology help get through these difficult times?” The discussion fields of city, bus and cruise tourism are particularly exciting for guest and tourist guides. Our Managing Director Sebastian Frankenberger will discuss as a panelist and representative of DonauGuides GmbH together with Urlich Berger (Founder & CEO Guiding Group), […]

New course for tourist guides in Austria

There is a new training course from Tourismus-Training in Austria. A modular, mostly online, practical course with optimal preparation for the proficiency test by experienced lecturers for the theoretical subjects, active guides and former graduates of the last few years, as well as outstanding partners in the tourism industry. Ideally coordinated as a part-time course. […]

Discussion about the future for tourist guides / tourist guides

Our webinar on August 31, 2020 was a success with over 600 live participants from 57 countries. Important results of the presentations and discussions were: Be open to new technologies and opportunities through digitization Work out new fields, eg develop tour ideas for locals increased cooperation between the guides Thank you very much for the […]

challenges and opportunities

2020 has been a difficult year for tourist guides around the world. In many countries, guides are only allowed to lead under strict conditions. But are guests booking a guided tour at all at the moment? Is there a second wave with new restrictions, travel warnings and lockdowns? We want to analyze the situation with […]

Group Leadership Audio Apps – 1/1 Trainings

28.07-30.07. 2020; 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 CET (Vienna time zone) over the last few months we have already introduced you to many audio guiding app providers with our free webinars. Now it’s time to go one step further! Therefore we offer 1/1 meetings with the developers at the end of July. In these training sessions, we […]

In 15 minutes to your own website with Google

Our next webinar next Tuesday 16.6.2020 from 16:00 – 18:00 h Are you thinking about how to best use the time right now? If you don’t have your own website yet, we have just the thing for you. Content development is important. But more importantly, that you can be found online that your photo and […]